Family law and mediation services
Family mediation guarantees to save a lot of suffering for all family members and, on many occasions, protects family relationships that are very often damaged by a contentious judicial procedure at Broward FL. Furthermore, mediation processes are especially recommended in matters related to family conflicts, since in this matter it is essential, to protect children and family relationships, to reach a friendly agreement to resolve conflicts. Family mediation allows, for example, the drafting of a regulatory agreement or a mutually agreed divorce. A concerted solution is always better understood and, consequently, better applied than a solution imposed by a third party outside the situation (such as a judge) given that each party has worked on the solution. This negotiation work between the parties allows reaching a durable and satisfactory agreement for each of the parties. Mediation helps you avoid lengthy, unnecessary, devastating and quite burdensome litigation. It has several advantages, such as speed, maintenance of dialogue between the parties, protection of the best interests of children and greater guarantees of the execution of what has been agreed. Resorting to mediation allows you to avoid useless confrontations and reduce the emotional cost for both you and your children. However, it is not always easy to reach an agreement to resolve conflicts in the family, so it is essential that the mediator is a family lawyer specialized in mediation, since it plays a decisive role in the success of the process. It is important to make the right decision. It has lawyers specialized in Family Mediator Lawyers at Palm Beach FL. Throughout their lives, families face different situations of conflict, such as a separation or divorce, or any other type of family conflict. Many families do not know how to solve these conflictive situations, ignoring that family mediation could be the solution. We are specialized in family conflict mediation. You can stop arguing. Mediation is a voluntary method by which people involved in a conflict seek and build together a concerted and satisfactory solution, with the assistance of a third person called a “mediator.” This flexible and participatory process, which appeals to the maturity and responsibility of the people involved in the conflict, allows everyone to present their point of view and actively participate in the search for a solution. The mediator, being a neutral, impartial and professional person, helps the mediate enter into negotiations to reach a common agreement that considers the interests of each and protects the best interests of the children. Why go to mediation to solve your family conflicts? A family conflict is hard and painful enough to make it more complicated by going to court and following an aggressive strategy. We think that, on many occasions, it is more worth negotiating and reaching a concerted solution than fighting for a victory that will only bring harm (personal, financial, emotional) to both you and your children. Don’t forget that a poorly managed family conflict can have disastrous consequences, both for you and for your children. Therefore, we invite you to assess the use of mediation to solve any family conflict that you may be experiencing.
After numerous cases in which we have successfully achieved alternative solutions to judicial procedures, we are committed to mediation in family conflicts. Using mediation in family conflicts correctly is the key to obtain an optimal result. Many times it is more worthwhile to dialogue and reach a common agreement than to fight for a victory that will only bring personal harm. Being open to mediation in family conflicts implies maturity in the search for solutions. The Lawyers, Lawyers and Mediators of our office are specialists in family conflicts: Divorces, Unmarried couples separations, Settlement of property, Inheritances, Wills, etc. First of all, we will try to redirect the problem towards an advantageous friendly agreement; however, if it is not possible, we will defend our positions with the utmost rigor before the Courts. We offer you Mediation services to reach an agreement that will later be ratified by the Court. In the event that the children are of legal age and independent or have no children, an “express” and Divorce can be made before a Notary of our confidence, with the same validity as before the Court and great economic advantages. In the event that an agreement is not possible, either through Mediation or between our Lawyers and the contrary, we would initiate the actions before the Court in defence of you and, in your case, your children. Hire best Family law and mediation services in Martin FL.
Normally, marriages marry under the property system, which means that half of the assets acquired during the marriage belong half to each of the spouses. In the event of Divorce, these assets must be distributed in what is called the Settlement of assets. Our expert lawyers in matrimonial law and economics will advise you in the best way in defence of your rights. Domestic partners often acquire the common property. Also in these cases, we will advise you so that you can receive the part that corresponds to you and if there is no agreement, we will go to the Court. We take care of the recognition of non-marital children (Filiations), adoption and guardianship in fact. All of them need the declaration of incapacity in the Court (What it is different from the declaration of incapacity or handicap granted by the Autonomous Communities). Judicial incapacitation is necessary for the administration of the assets and medical treatments of the incapacitated person. Our lawyers will advise you of the necessary procedures and will present the procedure in the corresponding court. Click here to know more about Family law and mediation services in Miami-Dade FL.
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Divorce And Family Mediation In Florida | Business Mediation Service FL | Family Law And Mediation Services | Professional Mediation Services | Commercial Mediation Services In Florida | Mediation Family Dispute Resolution in Florida | Family Work Resolution Services In Florida